Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why do I Write? –Words From a Chatterbox

Sometimes, it seems pointless to write. Only few–if any–read what I write. But it helps me sort my thoughts, I simply enjoy it and somehow feel like I grow from it. If someone else happens  to learn from it or is blessed in some way–wonderful!

Today I watched these two short videos from GFA (Gospel For Asia). Very inspiring. It has encouraged me to reach those around me, even if I don't get any responses right away. I especially like the story in the 2nd video, about Joseph. Even though I live in a "Christian" country, I think many of the struggles are the same. If you can find time to watch them, I very much encourage you to do so!
                                                                              (Part 1)
(Part 2)

NOTE: I don't know how many different parts there are to this series, but I know there are more than the first two that I watched.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I LOVE this one:
